Thursday, April 25, 2013

JSD Guidelines for Prospective Authors


Guidelines for authors

The Journal of Sustainable Development accepts manuscripts relevant to any aspect of sustainable development. Contributions from any country are acceptable and can be written from the perspective of a specific discipline or with an interdisciplinary view. The language of  communication is the English language. Research papers and reviews are especially welcome. Position and policy papers, commentaries, and letters to the editor are encouraged. Topics can include, but are not limited to, innovative practices, new technology, cropping systems, and farming systems (modified conventional, integrated pest management; conservation); present and future trends; and the economic, social, political, legal, and philosophical aspects of sustainable development. Books relevant to sustainable development are welcome for review and should be sent to the Editor. Books become the property of the reviewer. Books are not returnable if not unaccepted for review. News and announcements, queries about potential submissions, news items, announcements, and letters to the editor should also be sent to the Editor.


Submission of  a  manuscript to this Journal represents a certification on the part of the author(s) that it is an original work, and that neither this manuscript nor a version of it has been published elsewhere nor is being considered for publication elsewhere. All manuscripts are subject to peer review.


Manuscripts should be submitted in triplicate to the Editor, Journal of Sustainable Development, Dr. K. Adebayo, Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, University of Agriculture, P.M.B. 2240, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. E-mail: All editorial inquiries should be directed to the editor.


COPYRIGHT. Copyright ownership of your manuscript must be transferred officially to The Books and publishing before we can begin the peer-review process. The Editor’s letter acknowledging receipt of the manuscript will be accompanied by a form fully explaining this. All authors must sign the form and return the original to the Editor as possible. Failure to return the copyright form in a timely fashion will result in delay in review and subsequent publication.


Your manuscript may be approximately 5-15 typed pages double-spaced (including references and abstract). Lengthier manuscripts may be considered if   they can be divided into sections for publication in successive journal issues.


References, citations, and general style of manuscripts for this journal should follow the Chicago style (as outlined in the latest edition of   the University   Chicago press).If unavailable, consult issues of the journal for examples of acceptable format. Both metric and non-metric units are acceptable. Whichever is used, the other must be shown in parentheses, i.e., 100 acres (40.47 hectares). Statistical analyses are expected for research data. References should be double-spaced and placed in alphabetical order.


If an author wishes to submit a paper that had been already prepared in another style, he or she may do so. However, if the paper is accepted (with or without reviewer’s alterations), the author is fully responsible for retyping the manuscript in the correct style as indicated above. Neither the Editor nor the Publisher is responsible for re-preparing manuscript copy to adhere to journal’s style. Many times a paper is accepted by the Editor contingent upon changes that are mandated by anonymous specialist   referees and members of the Editorial Board. If the Editor returns your manuscript for revisions, you are responsible for retyping any sections of the paper to incorporate these revisions [if applicable, revision should be put on a disk].


You will not be receiving galley proofs of your article. Editorial revisions, if any, must therefore be made while your article is still in manuscript. The final version of the manuscript will be the version you will see published. Typesetter’s errors will be corrected by the production staff of the Amstys Books and Publishing. Authors are expected to submit manuscripts, disk, and art that are free of error.


Amstys Books and Publishing typesetting unit is able to utilize your final manuscript material as prepared on most personal computers and word processors. This will minimize typographical errors and decrease overall production time. Please send the first draft and final draft copies of your manuscript to the journal Editor in print format for his final review and approval. After approval of your manuscript, please submit the final approved version both on printed format (“hard copy”) and floppy diskette. On the outside of the diskette package write:

  1. The brand name of your computer or your word processor
  2. The word processing program that you used
  3. The title of your article and
  4. The file name


NOTE: Disk and hard copy must agree. In case of discrepancies, it is The Amstys Book and Publishing ‘policy to follow hard copy. Authors are advised that no revisions of the manuscript can be made after acceptance by the editor for publication. The benefits of this procedure are many with speed and accuracy being the most obvious. We look forward to working with you on this, knowing we will be able to serve you more efficiently in the future.


Manuscript preparation

a.             Margin: leave at least a one –inch margin on all four sides.

b.             Paper: use clean, white, 8-1/2”x11’’ bond paper.

c.              Number of copies: 3 (the original plus two photocopies).

d.             Cover page: Important-staple a cover page to the manuscript, that contains only the article title and abstract (this is use for anonymous refereeing).

e.             Second “title page”: enclose a regular title page but do not staple it to the manuscript. Include the title again , plus:

f.               Full authorship.

g.             An ABSTRACT of about 100-250words. (Below the abstract provide 3-6 key words for index purposes).

h.             An introductory footnote with authors” academic degrees, professional title, affiliations mailing addresses, and any desired acknowledgement of research support or other credit.


Spelling, grammar, punctuation, and inconsistencies

You are responsible for preparing manuscript copy which is clearly written in acceptable, scholarly English, and which contains no errors of spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Neither the Editor nor the Publisher is responsible for correcting errors of spelling and grammar. The manuscript, after acceptance by the Editor, must be immediately ready for type setting as it is finally submitted by the author(s).Check your paper for the following common errors:

a.       Dangling modifiers

b.       Misplaced modifiers

c.        Unclear antecedents

d.       Incorrect or inconsistent abbreviations

Also, check the accuracy of all arithmetic calculations, statistics, numerical data, text citations, and references. INCONSISTENCIES MUST BE AVOIDED. Be sure you are consistent in your use of abbreviations, terminology, and in citing references, from one part of your paper to another.


Preparation of tables, figures, and illustrations

All tables, figures, illustrations ,etc., must be “camera –ready”, that is they must be cleanly typed  or artistically prepared  so that they can used either exactly as they are or else used after a photographic reduction in size . [Please note that dot-matrix type is often unacceptable for artwork].


If submitted art cannot be used, the publisher reserves the right to redo the art and to charge the author a fee of $35.00 per hour for this service. The Amstys Books and Publishing is not responsible for errors incurred in the preparation of new camera ready artwork.



The senior author will receive two copies of the journal issue and 5 complimentary reprints several weeks after the issue is published. The junior author will receive one copy of the journal issue. An order form will be sent to the corresponding author for the purchase of additional reprints. Please do not query the Journal’s Editor about reprints. All such question should be directed to The Editorial Office, Amstys Book and Publishing, P.O Box 23 UNAAB Post Office Abeokuta, Nigeria.


Copyright and permissions

For permission to reprint articles that have appeared in Journal of Sustainable Development, please contact: Copyright and Permissions Department, The Amysts Books and Publishing P.O Box 23 UNAAB Post Office Abeokuta, Nigeria.


Library photocopying

If your library subscribes to this journal, AMSTYS waives all photocopying fees or any royalty payments for multiple internal library use.


By “internal library use” we mean:

  1. Photocopying multiple copies of any article for your reserve room or reference area.
  2. Photocopying of articles for routing to either students or faculty members
  3. Multiple photocopying by student for coursework.
  4. Multiple photocopying by faculty members for passing out to students at charge or for their own files.
  5. Other traditional internal library multiple use of journal articles.

The annual subscription fee for the Journal of Sustainable Development is $50 or its equivalent. This amount is subject to review. This sum is payable to: Amstys Books and Publishing, P.O. Box 23, UNAAB Post Office, Alabata Road, Abeokuta, Nigeria.

Dr. K. Adebayo, Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, University of Agriculture, PMB 2240, Abeokuta, Nigeria. E-mail:
Editorial Board

Prof. C. J. Garforth, International and Rural Development Department, University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom. E-mail:


Prof. P. A. Okuneye, Department of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. E-mail:


Dr. John Richardson, Department of Agricultural and Extension Education, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. E-mail:


Prof. A. Westby, Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich, Chatham Maritime, Kent ME4 4TB, United Kingdom. E-mail:


Dr. S. Babu, Communications Division, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington DC, USA. E-mail:


Dr. S. O. Akinleye, Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Lagos, Akoka, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria. E-mail:


Dr. Kursat Demiryurek, Ondokuz Mayis University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Economics, 55139, Samsun, Turkey. E-mail:


Dr. J. Cardina, Department of Horticulture and Crop Science, Ohio Agricultural Research & Development Center, The Ohio State University, Wooster, OH 44691, Ohio, USA. E-mail:

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